06 May 2009

Minor Setbacks

I didn't give notice at my apartment so it looks like I'm stuck here another month. :( I'm still not 100% certain how I'll pay the rent but I'm going to have to put more effort into my eBay store. I have updated my Amazon store so please click the links on the page and buy lots. ;) Or just remember this site when you are going to make a purchase at Amazon and remember you're helping someone live out their dream!

There is some good news! I recently was hired to post occasionally on a blog at http://www.smartcanucks.ca ! Thank you for complimenting me on my writing (and giving me a job of course). I find it very refreshing thinking up new ideas to post! So far it seems well received and I've been getting a lot of positive feedback/comments. This has given me some much needed confidence and I'm now also seeking other freelance writing opportunities.

Today I'm feeling a tinge of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) I think. It's so dark out that I need to have the light on at 6pm! Lately it's been bright enough until 9pm. Oh well. I heard it rain a bit earlier. Hopefully that'll help take care of all the wildfires in the area. I actually do love the rain but the darkness and dreariness seeps into my soul somehow. I've decided not to let it totally ruin my day and have been doing my best to stay upbeat.

I've been checking out RVs online lately from every source I could possibly think of. I'm hoping to start looking at some very soon. I sent an email query about one from Craigslist but haven't had a reply yet. I kind of have my heart set on a Class C motorhome but would consider a Class A if it worked out to be more affordable. The Class B and B+ models are too small and dark for me to live in full-time. Of course, at the rate I'm going it looks like I'll be tenting it for awhile!

I have been slowly working on cleaning my apartment. Ugh! Actually, I had a brilliant plan for attacking the sink full of dishes. It worked extremely well. Two words - baking soda. I swear I have never seen my dishes so clean! That stuff is simply miraculous! I've been using baking soda and vinegar for cleaning lately not only in an attempt to be more green, but because I'm sensitive to a lot of other cleaners. It's also dirt cheap (pun intended) and has been around forever!

I helped my dad plant his vegetable garden last weekend. I'm pretty sure I have him to thank for wanting to get more in touch with the past. Apparently more people are getting into gardening - which I think is awesome. I think there are some things from the past that need to come back again in order for the preservation of life on this planet. Technology is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it should compliment our lives. Gardening is a basic thing that anyone can do that our ancestors did. You know exactly what you're eating if you've tended it from a seed. If, like me, you can't garden (because you live in an apartment or whatever), find someone who does and/or go to farmers' markets.

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