09 October 2009

Deep Breath & Cold Weather

Today I woke up to see snow on the ground. I wasn't quite prepared for it. I'd heard it had hit some nearby areas already but as the first one of the season, I let it catch me off guard. Besides, I'd spent the night with the boyfriend at his place so I had other things on my mind. ;)

My boyfriend, on the other hand, is quite prepared and excited for winter to arrive. He had all his winter gear out - some new ice climbing gear, snowshoes. He splits his time between here, where he works, and where his family is. The latter two locations are pretty close together and both have already seen snow this week.

I truly envy those who are enthusiastic about winter and winter sports. I do love ice skating and do it well. I like to ski but haven't in a very long time and would need to rent the gear and buy proper clothing for it.

I do like to be outdoors in the snow - especially since I don't have a full-time job. Even shift work is horrible when the snow flies. Okay any "regular" job is not great period - at least in my experience so far. My point is going to work in the dark and arriving home in the dark makes one think daylight only happens when at work. It used to make me resent work. The only time I used to see the sun in the winter was during smoke breaks - not exactly the healthiest way. (I quit smoking nearly three years ago for good).

The boyfriend and I have sort of an odd, semi-long distance relationship. We seem to connect in a way neither of us can really explain or really need to. I suppose, in his way, my boyfriend is already kind of living independent of one specific location. Most of his stuff is here (not at my place but in this city - maybe one day we'll share a place) but he rarely is. This occurred to me recently because I've been looking to pursue a location independent lifestyle and was wondering how he'd fit into it all. It wouldn't be too difficult because he already sort of does.

When I first began researching location independent living, my idea was to live in an RV. I haven't completely abandoned that thought. There are several benefits to it. The drawback would be where to leave it when I decided to travel overseas or something. Still, I could just size it down some and instead of a B-class motorhome, settle for a C-class or similar which would be basically a van with a bed, possibly a kitchen (sink & stove) and a toilet of some sort.

The most appealing part of the RV plan is that I could explore ways of living more environmentally. Instead of standard gas-powered generators, or relying on finding power hookups at a campground, I could use and store solar power. I really want to learn as much as possible about solar power and living off-grid. What better way than in a vehicle?

I don't like the idea of needing propane gas for the stove either. Maybe it would be okay as a backup in small quantities but there are solar ovens, too. I'd rather find a way to maybe plug in a burner to a solar battery or something or just build a campfire.

I'd also need to be very aware of consumer waste such as packaging. That would force me to choose my purchases carefully and possibly set up some sort of compost system. I'd also want to shop locally - especially at farms or farmers markets. I could save foil to use for solar cooking. I'd have to find ways of re-purposing.

There are several options for environmentally sound toilets. I really dislike the idea of using weird chemicals and having to find a designated dumping station to clean it out. I'd use public toilets whenever possible but otherwise there are compostable waste bags that attach to foldable toilet seats that are sanitary and supposed to not smell. As a female, I'd certainly entertain the idea of one of those pee funnel things.

Of course, gasoline would be my main expense and concern (aside from other potential automotive disasters of course). If I could get a hybrid of some sort that would be way better or even biodiesel. I would do most of my driving at night when there isn't as much traffic. But when I think of it, I'm still not commuting anywhere. Each litre of gas would be used to move toward the next destination. It's certainly no worse than someone driving to and from work. I wouldn't even necessarily be driving every day.

The reason all this comes back to me now (the RV idea) is the snow. It's fall now and likely the best time to purchase an RV. I don't have any money to do so right now. I need to figure out how to make a living with my writing and photography. That's where my focus is at the moment.