27 April 2009

Motivation and Inspiration

To be completely honest, I have very little (if any, I really haven't determined that yet) moral support for this prospective venture. The most common response is a laugh. I do enjoy making people laugh and have, in the past, suggested outlandish potential job and living situation ideas seeped in sarcasm. When I tell them (after they've calmed down after laughing) that I mean it, I get the strangest looks. Then they say, "No, really. What are you going to do? You need to get a job." I generally leave it at that.

For people who are genuinely interested, (or even somewhat concerned or disturbed at the notion), I tell them what I hope to accomplish and why. People still think the idea is completely nuts and not very realistic. I try to reason that anyone who's ever done anything profound in this world took a chance and had people doubt them and call them crazy. I mean, if Einstein just went along with status quo and accepted the world as it was, we wouldn't have beer today. No, I'm not Einstein, and I realize he came up with a lot more than atom splitting which enabled the possibility of such a revered beverage. Still, the world would not be the place it is today if he decided that everyone and everything was right as it was.

I've also come across the reaction from people that I'm trying to run away from something. I counter that by saying that the complete opposite is true. Being the empathetic type, I can see where they're coming from. If you don't like how things are, you've got to change something or you'll stay miserable. I've learned that lesson many times over. I'm not satisfied with feeling stagnant or stuck or written into a particular role based on whatever.

I love my parents. I live reasonably close to them and see them weekly. Yesterday when I said that I'd dropped out of school, my sister and dad were shocked. I'd already told my mom I was pretty much flunking out and looking to officially quit. I can't even describe the look of disappointment on my dad's face. Graciously he chose not to pursue the matter any further. I funded my education with student loans, so it wasn't like I cost them any money. My parents have done reasonably well in life and both had careers that worked for them. They even have a daughter who went to school and has been in the same career for almost a decade. That daughter isn't me.

Just a quick note about my sister - she's the perfect one. Stereotypes run rampant in my family. In some ways it takes the pressure off of my brother and I that she's fits the cookie-cutter mold. I know it also puts some pressure on her. I am genuinely happy for her and that her life is working out exactly how she wants it to. But that's her. It's how she wants to be so it's how she is and for that I have a great deal of respect for her.

Being the one who lives nearest to my parents means that we're pretty up to date with what's going on in each others' lives. My brother lives on the other side of the country but does call my parents to keep them updated and comes to visit at least once a year at Christmas. My sister doesn't live as far and visits an average of once a month. She also calls the parents regularly. I only call my parents if there's a change in the routine weekly visit or if something really exciting or horrible happens.

Anyhow, my parents have some definite and sometimes bizarre ideas and opinions which have evolved over the years as my siblings and I have become adults. So, I give my parents a lot of credit for giving us that consideration. That said, they didn't always have faith in what we did or who we were until we fought really hard to prove that we had to figure things out for ourselves. Being the eldest I likely am able to best remember this since I got to pave the way. They still have specific ideas about the way things should be and don't hesitate to share them with me most of the time.

Ultimately, I realize, my parents are good people who raised a few good people but still feel responsible for us. My specialty seems to be to learn the hard lessons in life in the most difficult manner possible. As such, I'm sure this causes my parents a great deal of alarm at times. Personally, I feel it makes me stronger. Generally it isn't by conscious decision that things happen in such a way so I've learned to accept it.

I like being referred to as unconventional. It's a compliment. Apparently I do my best thinking outside the box. In some cases way outside it. Recently the box was a series of connected buildings referred to as a post secondary institution.

I learned a great deal at school though none of it was related to any of the course material. I learned that I'm not a bulimic learner - I can't cram a bunch of information that I really don't need into my brain only to be purged later in an exam. I also think too much. I was way more interested in the dynamic change in technology from when I first went to college and my most recent attempt. The internet isn't new anymore, cell phones are commonplace and texting while walking should be banned. Libraries are not quiet, most students bring their own computers to school.

What hasn't changed for me in terms of education is that people are fooled into believing that sitting for an hour or so at a time in class, learning about things that are ever evolving and practically out of date by the time a lesson plan is made, several times a day in different subjects, for a term of however long they've determined it takes to attain a coveted piece of paper that supposedly makes you appear smart doesn't actually mean shit. (Longest sentence ever!)

The newspaper, the actual, physical thing that people still get delivered to their doors or attain through retail sources, is at least a day old when it arrives first thing in the morning. The front page news happened yesterday at the most recent. Post secondary education, aside from practical, hands-on type of programs, is similar in terms of being yesterday's news. Sure there are fundamentals and such and history will always be history.

At this point you're likely wondering what this rant has to do with me aspiring to live in an RV. Basically, as long as I'm connected to the internet, I've literally got a world of knowledge at my fingertips. That's why I don't need school. Besides, I'd rather be known as an independent thinker and an innovator than one who's memorized the most textbooks and has fancy initials after my name. Aside from that, I need to get away from the noise of everyday life.

My life is cluttered. Anyone who's seen or heard about my apartment is more than aware of this. I live in a tiny bachelor suite and there's stuff all over the place. I've decided that I've simply accumulated too much stuff. I look around and see that there is a LOT that I don't use and likely never will again. Beyond that, there's a lot I can do without. It all adds to the noise.

This apartment is located in a shitty neighbourhood which I call crack-whore alley. Remarkably many locals know exactly where this is. I am not a crack whore but see them and even chat with them on occasion. They're not bad people and I don't know what events in their lives triggered whatever led them to drugs and prostitution. Just like many of us, they're just trying to survive as best they know how. Still, in such a neighbourhood, there's a lot of theft, vandalism, drugs, break-ins, fights, screaming in the alley at 3am simply because they realized their vocal chords are capable after copious amounts of chemical toxins. My rent is way too high for what I get and have to put up with.

I live downtown in a city. It's great in terms of being able to walk pretty much anywhere I really need to go. I do use my car but consciously try not to unless it's necessary simply because I have access to so much within walking distance. I used to love the noise. It reminded me that I was alive and that there was a whole world out there. Now it's just noise and pressure.

Both being in a reasonably big city and having fairly constant internet access contributes to noise. My current definition of noise - beyond the audible - is chaos that makes me feel that I should hurry up and do something. Noise = chaos. It's distracting.

I feel that getting out and living a more relaxed and nomadic lifestyle is what I need to preserve my sanity. It will force me to learn adaptation skills and that there is a life beyond my computer. The world isn't going to end if I'm not caught up in being busy. All these pseudo demands on my time are only distracting me from living.

At this point, I really have nothing to lose and a lot to gain from this experience. I am a writer and the noise has been polluting my creativity.

22 April 2009

In the Beginning...

This is the first of what I hope will be many posts about my personal RV adventures. As of right now I am unemployed, I will be dropping out of college tomorrow, and I do not yet have an RV.

Here's the plan:

- Sell all the excess "stuff" I've accumulated through the years.
- Apply for grants that are available to writers, find people who want to advertise on my site, build my own actual website, perhaps sell some articles to magazines all in an effort to raise enough money for the next point...
- Buy a used RV in June. I've been doing a lot of online research but still need to go in person and check some out. I've decided that I want a Class C model, preferably diesel, not too short - I like the idea of having a bedroom in the back with a queen sized bed and some storage space, one designed for four-season travel, it would be a bonus if I could find one that already has solar power.
- I plan to give my notice so I can move out of my shitty apartment by the end of May.
- I'm researching business cell phone and possibly internet plans. 
- I don't have a destination in mind at this point. I think I want to stay within the province of Alberta as long as I feel like it - until I've seen all I can. I have applied to be an ambassador of the province.

My goals along the way...

- A sort of working vacation of sorts.
- Learning to live with less "stuff" and reducing unnecessary shopping and clutter.
- To seriously think about the purchases I do make in terms of need, source, waste.
- To live as "green" as possible - solar power, solar heated water, recycling, not using toxic toilet chemicals, solar oven, whatever else I can think of.
- Eating consciously - buying from local sources like farms, u-pick lots, farmers' markets, independent cafes and coffee shops, also minimizing waste (and waist) by not buying packaged foods whenever possible. 
- Health is an absolute priority - beyond food as mentioned above, I plan to keep fit by running, possibly buying a foldable bike that I could bring along, maybe checking out local yoga classes or fitness facilities if they'll let me for free. :) 
- Meet and talk to people along the way. Get a feel for what's going on. 
- Discover neat towns with funny names, neat landmarks, interesting festivals, etc. 

How will I support myself? 

- Writing - keeping up this blog and hopefully also a website and possibly gaining some ad revenue from it (or an angel investor? or donations?)
- Writing - submitting articles to various magazines and newspapers
- Writing - books - maybe a guide to RV living in Alberta, whatever experiences I have are sure to make for good writing, there are also some books I've got going already that I just need motivation to finish up. :)
- Aside from writing? Well, I'll be shopping smarter which should save on the need to spend. Still, I'll have to put gas in the tank somehow. If necessary, I'll do odd jobs as I go along. Someone actually has coined the term Workamping. 
- Contesting - may be slightly more difficult without a "home address" but I'm sure I could get a post office box.
- I've contemplated selling advertising space on the RV. Just a thought.
- Work for payment in kind - like help out for a free meal or something.

Obviously I'm not doing this in order to get rich. If I happen to sell some books or whatever, that would be a pleasant side effect. Primarily, I'm at a point in my life where I really need to shake things up. I've never lived outside of the city I'm in now. I just want to transform my dreams into reality. I'm looking for my niche in the world. Staying where I am only makes me miserable. Why not do exactly what I want with my life? If I don't start now, it may be too late!